2008/04/14 | Dave Koz_[At The Movies]
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专辑名称: At The Movies
专辑歌手: Dave Koz
发行日期: 2007.01.30
专辑语种: 英语
专辑类型: Jazz
唱片公司: EMI Records
压缩比率: 192K VBR

继肯尼·G后,全美乐评满分推荐唯一接班人,最佳跨界萨克斯风手2007全新专辑,由格来美奖得主Phil Ramone操刀制作.

India.Arie、Anita Baker、Barry Manilow、Johnny Mathis、Donna Summer、Vanessa Williams等跨世代巨星与戴夫考兹浪漫演绎<北非谍影>、<绿野仙踪>、<第凡内早餐>、<往日情怀>、<西城故事>、<窈窕淑男>、<新天堂乐园>、<阿拉丁>、<辛德勒的名单>等雋永影幕金曲。

Concept discs tend to go one of two ways--they dance around a theme, causing listeners to draw their own conclusions about how well the album hangs together, or they come on strong. Sax man Dave Koz's At the Movies floats mellifluously into the second category. From the moment Judy Garland's voice comes keening through the crackle of "Over the Rainbow," we're transported directly into the cinema alongside Koz and a handful of high-wattage friends. Only in Koz's theater, the music is at times more heart-tuggingly pretty than we remember. "Moon River," from Breakfast at Tiffany's meanders gracefully before Barry Manilow surfaces to lend a languid, signature-smooth vocal. "The Shadow of Your Smile" from The Sandpiper sends ripples of bittersweetness down the spine straight through the soul. In a surprising standout track, India.Arie snakes her vocal to Tootsie's "It Might Be You" around Koz's sax so winningly you half-wish she had sung the original. Koz himself is no slouch here, either: six instrumentals belong to him exclusively, some so lush it seems a shame do-overs aren't on Oscar's radar.

01. Over The Rainbow - The Wizard Of Oz
02. Moon River featuring Barry Manilow - Breakfast At Tiffany's
03. As Time Goes By - Casablanca
04. Somewhere featuring Anita Baker - West Side Story
05. The Shadow Of Your Smile (Love Theme From "The Sandpiper") featuring Johnny Mathis and Chris Botti - The Sandpiper
06. The Pink Panther - The Pink Panther Listen
07. The Way We Were featuring Vanessa Williams - The Way We Were
08. The Summer Knows (Theme From "Summer Of '42") - Summer Of `42
09. It Might Be You featuring India.Arie - Tootsie
10. Cinema Paradiso Suite - Cinema Paradiso
11. A Whole New World featuring Donna Summer - Aladdin
12. Schindler's List (Main Theme) - Schindler's List
13.It Might Be You-(Bonus Track, with Peter White)
14.The Shadow Of Your Smile- (Bonus Track, with Chris Botti/Norman Brown)
(Z: verycd.com)

         听过01年的《A Smooth Jazz Christmas》,有人将sax使得出神入化,但就没记住是Dave Koz。跟这次不一样,可能有歌者的关系吧,影像力巨大,我又感受到了像吃了人参果全身三万六千个毛孔无一处不通畅的飘飘欲仙了。。。虽是旧壶装新酒,但绝对是高水准的二次艺术加工,加上歌者的全新演绎,甚至为这些老电影注入了新的色彩,让人不禁有重温经典的冲动。美得,陶醉得想哭,看着窗外的阳光,生活真美好!

Somewhere( ft.Anita Baker) - West Side Story ——比西区原声好听窃以为,推着你上升,上升,飞起来。。。

The Shadow Of Your Smile(ft. Johnny Mathis and Chris Botti)_The Sandpiper —— Just SMILE!

The Way We Were(ft.Vanessa Williams) - The Way We Were ——你就听吧,4分半钟,尝遍五味。。。

It Might Be You(ft.India.Arie) - Tootsie ——与Stephen Bishop回忆美好的愉快感觉不同,Arie流露淡淡沧桑后不舍的无奈

A Whole New World(ft.Donna Summer) - Aladdin,Donna Summer当司机,失望才怪!

Bonus Track:
It Might Be You,with Peter White——PeterWhite的无以复加的精致吉他啊!萨克+吉他+弦乐背景 =  美轮美奂
The Shadow Of Your Smile,with Chris Botti/Norman Brown


关于Dave Koz    (z:baidu.com)

Dave Koz(戴夫·考兹)是着名的萨克斯演奏家,在欧美享有盛誉,虽然在国内听众群中其名气不如Kenny G(肯尼·基),但其演奏水准却是毋庸置疑的。实际上Dave Koz和Kenny G他们演奏的虽然都是萨克斯管,但前者演奏的是次中音萨克斯,而后者演奏的是高音萨克斯,所以在听感方面前者的音色显得淳厚而成熟,更富明快鲜活的韵律和节奏;Kenny G则高亢嘹亮。Dave Koz从1990年推出第一张同名演奏专辑后便在乐坛确立了自己的定位.

自从1990年开始,Dave Koz以个人首张同名专辑《Dave Koz》创下非凡的销售纪录之后,Dave Koz已经成为Smooth Jazz乐界的一种音乐现象。这位萨克斯风圣手,在艺术以及事业上皆获得全胜,甚至当他由驾轻就熟的R&B乐界跨足到不同的领域时,也一样深受听众的欢迎。第一次的音乐创作就成为他精采而丰富的音乐生命记录,在这张专辑中,Dave Koz将Jeff Lorber、Carl StrurPen、Evan Rogers与弟弟Jeff等十年前合作、制作第一张个人专辑的一些工作伙伴再度聚集起来,并将自己放逐在许多流行节奏蓝调、福音与Smooth Jazz的伟大表演者之中。由巨星Luther Vandross负责担纲带有摇摆复古风味的放克嘻哈曲式歌曲《Can't Let You go(The Sha La Song)》中的人声部分;现代R&B、hip-hop音乐界的巨星Montell Jordan参与制作并重唱1984年由超级巨星George Michael在Wham时代所发行的华丽经典歌曲《Careless Wisper》。数度获得葛莱美奖的福音团体Take6之中的Meruyn Warren与David Thomas重唱了灵魂乐的经典乐曲《I‘ll be there》阵容十分坚强。

此外,突显Smooth Jazz乐界的吉他名家Marc Antonie担纲的热情佛朗明哥吉他独奏,带有拉丁风情的轻松摇摆小品《You′re Me,I am You》;而在另一首展现不同吉他风味的《The Bright Side》之中,更由着名的Jorathan Butler显身手,为此曲增添了许多趣味而戏耍的风味。专辑的其他歌曲,同样也令人充满惊喜与期待。由Dave与Jeff Lorber共同谱写的首支单曲《I‘m Waiting for you》;复古的灵魂乐曲《Together Again》;为纪念已故父亲Normam而创作的《Right By Your Side》;揉合50种萨克斯风演奏的惊世歌曲《CubanHighWay》及由福音界的超级巨星BeBe Winans献声,并由葛莱美奖的得奖人,超级作曲家、制作人Glen Ballard所在担任制作曾是美国的乡村歌王Garth Brooks招牌畅销曲的专辑同名曲《The Dance》等。另外在这张专辑中最重要的特色,就是为了与全球不同区域的乐迷做有更亲密的接触,Dave Koz也首次尝试为不同的地区特别演奏一首作品。在亚洲版中,收录了华语乐坛天后歌手那英的抒情单曲《征服》,在Dave Koz深情浓重的萨克斯风乐音下,万千动人的情感是他献给全亚洲的最佳礼物。

这张《Golden Slumbers:A Father's Lullaby》是Dave Koz 在2002年与一些顶尖Smooth Jazz音乐家的以“摇篮曲”为主题的专辑发行的一张专辑,参与这张专辑的音乐家包括David Benoit,Norman Brown,Brian Culbertson, Rick Braun等,虽然时间已经过去了几年,但是现在每次听来还是觉得如此的安详与温馨,就如同回到了童年,在父母的怀抱中,静静地进入到梦乡。


